Saturday, March 29, 2008

(10) An Evolutionary Change in Perceptions

This week’s class mainly discussed sexuality and sexual preference in pop culture, primarily in television. The current television shows that incorporate and/or reference gay and/or bisexual male characters include: As the World Turns, Brothers & Sisters, Dante's Cove, Project Runway, Torchwood, and Ugly Betty just to name a few.

According to these gay and or bisexual male characters in sitcoms have somewhat evolved since their early 90’s stereotypes. In his article titled Survival of the Fab-est: How Gay TV Characters Evolve—Steven Franks goes into great detail about their previous and current perceptions or even misconceptions. He goes on to say until now, conventional wisdom held that the pinnacle of Gay Character Evolution had been a type more like Marc—fabulous, fashionable, and, most crucially, rail-thin (par 2.) What he meant by until now is the new portrayal that is seen on a more recent television program. Something of a couch potato, a regular, somewhat stocky guy without discernible product in his hair or designer labels on his clothing (par 2.) From my understanding of this article there was more of a concern for lack of greater numbers of gay characters on television. However, this evolutionary change is showing a change in perception, which is definitely a good thing for the representation of gay and or bisexual characters in the media.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Thanks, Allyson. Don't forget, however, the proper way to punctuate essay/article titles, okay.