Saturday, February 16, 2008

#6: Abortion Makes You the Mother of a Dead Baby

Murder is defined as the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. Now abortion is not considered murder in this country, for the most part, because people say that the fetus is non-living. This statement is unargubly false. There are four differences that set post-natal humans apart from pre-natal ones, these are: size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency. The problem with saying that these differences make the unborn baby non-human, is that it also states that some humans are non-humans! As far as size is conserned, a six foot tall person is no more human than a 3 foot tall person. Killing the smaller of these would be murder, because they are human. Level of development is an argument of how deveoped their body is. Is a six year old girl without developed reproductive organs less human than a thirty-six year old woman, again the answer is no.The difference of environment causes problems because we live on a large continent. Not everyone on it can live in exacly the same place, therefore are people in Africa less human than Americans, no, they are just as human as us. What about dependency? Is someone who cannot live without their insulin less alive than me, obviously no, we have the same amount of living worth. Now think, if the differences between me and an unborn baby do not show that they are un-alive, then they must be alive! Wow that is a new one. So ending their development must be.....what is the word.....MURDER!


Lizzy said...

I agree with Brian, but to an extent. I am adopted and my birth mom was 15 years old when she had me and my birth dad was 17. But while abortion may be "murder", how far does that idea have to go. Should abortion be illegal? What about a young girl who is the victim of rape or incest? Should the Government really be in a woman's uterus? No, in my opinion abortion should not be illegal. Many people think it's strange that I feel this way being an adopted child, but I have also seen friends go through very traumatic events that have led to abortion. So I am strongly pro choice when it comes to this issue. But abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. If abortion became illegal, how many other things could the government take away from us? I believe the freedoms of Americans today would diminish and way of life would begin to mirror George Orwell’s book1984. So yes abortion is killing a fetus, but the many different situations and with the idea of more government control, abortion should be now and forever a legal act that expresses our rights as Americans.

Brian said...

The fetus is a human being, the problem with the example of cases of rape or incest is that you are selectively applying truth. This way of reasoning, is extremely unfactual and I would classify it as relativism. The problem with what you are saying i that you are admitting to the fact that it is murder but dismissing it due to the fact that it is in the best interest of the mother's convenience. I am also adopted at 2 weeks old and my birth mother was 16 and my birth father was 18. Because of that fact I am staunchly pro-life. The fact that because of a traumatic event in a woman's life, they do not need to stoop to the level of murder to avoid their inconvenience. Adoption is an answer! I truly cannot see how you, an adoptee, can be pro-choice!? it just does not make sense!