Saturday, February 16, 2008
#6 I've Made a Huge Mistake
Making a list of all the reasons why the show is as funny as it is would take much more time and space than I have but you have my word this is a show worth watching. It has some of the most unique, bizarre, and absolutely exaggerated characters that will rival any other sitcom. What adds on to that is the situations that they are consistently thrown into on a daily basis from driving an airport stair car before upgrading to a truck with a log cabin on the back, or having a family member have one of his hands gnawed of by a stray seal.
Watching these three seasons will change your life! OK that was probably an exaggeration but this is certainly a show worth giving a shot if you are in the mood to laugh and or simply be confused as to how someone can come up with some of the things this series does.
# 6: The Importance Of Morning Routines
#6 Just Kickin' It
# 6 Desperate for Desperate
6: A stich in Time...
#6 The Bucket List - "I laughed, I cried, I lost five pounds"
The movie held particular sentimental value to me because these are two of my favorite all-time actors and they are both old (both are 70 years old right now, and in a few months both will be 71)... so having them in a movie with the subject of knowing that death could be down the corner was very interesting.
#6 Gonna Get Down
# 6 Feel Bad
#6: The Latest and Greatest TCU Club
Last Monday, the first meeting for Gymnastics Club was held at The Cheer Connection about twenty minutes away from campus. Although we had a small turnout of ten or eleven; it was still an exciting time for me. I was made the treasurer at that first meeting, and we are still working with SGA to get some funding, and make the club "official."
Our dues are relatively low ($60) when you factor in the diversity and overall space we have at The Cheer Connection. We've got your standard floor mat area for doing floor routines, two sets of rings, a horse, a hot box, two sets of parallel bars, two sets of competition bars, a vault, a balance beam, an elongated trampoline, a springy floor section, and plenty of various mats and pads to minimize the chance for injury. While this sounds confusing and hard to remember, bear in mind that I remember all of this after just two sessions.
We are definitely looking for more members regardless of prior experience, not only to have a good time but to help lower dues. My friend, Robert Voelker, and I are doing Gymnastics Club this semester without any prior experience. Ok, I lied. I tried gymnastics once when I was four but couldn’t even do a cartwheel then. Come out to The Cheer Connection on Mondays or Wednesdays, and get in contact with our president, Travis Doig.
#6: Abortion Makes You the Mother of a Dead Baby
#6 The Parent in All of Us
#6 It's a Bird, it's a Plane, it's Superman!
#6 The Kingdom
This past Thursday night, I watched THE KINGDOM with a few of my friends. I like action films with intricate plots so I thought I would give this one a try. This first thing I noticed about this movie was the number of political undertones that surrounded the United States and the Middle East. For those of you that are familiar with this movie, you know just as well as I do that this movie almost seems to encourage hatred to the other sides of the spectrum. At the end of the movie, the Muslim extremists and Americans are both caught saying, “we will kill them all”, referring to each other. For those of you that aren’t familiar with this movie, it has several different scenes of car bombings and terrorism which led me to the realization that, yes, this is all actually happening in Iraq and Afghanistan today and it seems like this hatred will continue until the end of time. The events that take place in this movie are real and terrifying. I recommend that everyone see this movie because it is entertaining, as a movie should be, but serious about terrorism and the Middle East at the same time.
#6 I Pledge Myself...To What?

Last week I finished the book Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities by Alexandra Robbins. It gives readers and inside look at sorority life without all the facades and fakeness. Robbins goes undercover at a typical University and follows the lives of four sorority members unbeknownst to the rest of their sisters. Robbins witnesses countless acts of binge drinking, illegal drug usage, casual sex, and other activities known to be issues in sororities. For a reader considering participating in recruitment, or the parents of a sorority member, like mine, this book could be positively terrifying. I am so glad I did not read it until now because it shows me how different my sorority, and I'm sure the other chapters at TCU, are from other campus'. It was still very interesting to see greek life from the eyes of someone who was not a participant.
#6 Calling it Quits
#6 A little piece of home
SAICA- Students for Asian-Indian Cultural Awareness celebrated Diwali on Campus by hosting ‘Bhojana’ the years’ first ‘experience India’ event. The event was held at the Student Centre ball room. We spent the evening before setting up and decorating the venue with traditional Indian motifs to add to the essence of the festival.
The Organizers had taken great interest to ensure that there was good Indian music and traditional cuisine that helped set the mood for some energetic Indian dance moves.
My classmates had the opportunity to taste various types of Kebabs and Bread that go inherently with the festivals of India. It was so much fun teaching my American and other international friends some of our dance moves.
We were all dressed in bright and glittering attire generally worn at festivals. Time just flew by as we enjoyed the mouth watering cuisine and danced through the night.
It was my first semester at TCU, not to mention my first time away from home and Bhojana helped me get over my homesickness
#6 No "Kidd"ing Around
The main reason I feel this way is because of the ridiculous trade terms that the Nets were asking. Devin Harris should go no where right now. His averages in all categories (points, assists, rebounds) have improved greatly over last years, and he will only continue to become a better player. Why trade him away so we can win a championship this year, when we still have the potential to win this year and even next year? Sure I want to win, and I want to win this year. But I feel it is not in the best interest of the team to sacrifice our coming years so we can win the championship this season.
I believe the team and Mark Cuban will make the right decision, and because of George and Stackhouse's decisions and comments, it now seems this trade is dying out. So here's to a great rest of the season and playoffs with our current great team. Time to watch the Stars and the NBA All-Star game.
# 6 No Pain, No Gain
#6 My Mom is karaoking??
(6) A Lecture About My Lecture

The course is very monotonous, dreadful, and protracted. I sit in the class two days a week for the longest 80 minutes, hoping these feeling will change. However, I leave and return with this unchanged feeling each time. Then there’s Dr. Woody, one of those people you just can’t read. The type you’ll never understand. He talks and talks the entire lecture, but at the end he has said a bunch of nothing. No offense I want to like the guy but he’s just not doing it for me, neither is his painful class.
This week I believe my feelings towards this class became unwavering with our first exam. The test was 75 questions (the length of a final) and just very difficult. He asked the same question in numerous ways, deliberately to confuse the human mind. Furthermore, I’m pretty sure some of the information asked was not applicable. I studied, read, took notes and believe it is impossible for me to miss 65% of the information. The moral of the story is don’t take Sociology with Dr. Woody you’ll be writing a Blog similar to this someday.
My Walk With God
Throughout my life my family was in and out of church. My parents never really found a church home they liked but we still went occasionally. (They finnaly found one that they liked this past year) With their strong faith in God, they raised me with bible verses and many references to the bible. They challenge me and push me to become more like Jesus in every thing that I do. My parents always did every thing out of love with God in mind.
Despite many influnces and constant exposure, religion is one of those things you have to find out for yourself. Even though they had done and said all of the right things, I never really knew what it was about. It wasn't until I started searching for anwers on my own and really digging into it that I unerstood what Christianity was all about. Don't get me wrong, I don't have all of the answers but I do have a better understanding of what it's about.
Walking around campus observing my peers, I realize how lsot we are and how much further we really have to go.
Friday, February 15, 2008
#6 An Angel
Rebekah has changed my life in many ways. She has shown me that burdens in life such as hard tests and long essays are challenges and opportunities. I am so lucky to have the chance to even attend college and master new challenges. I have learned to take the disappointments in life and make the most of them. Through Rebekah’s experience, I have learned that when things we don’t plan for get put in front of us, how we respond largely defines who we are. It hurts to see sweet Rebekah leave, but I know that she has so much eternal happiness ahead of her. Whenever I am having a bad day, I will look up to the sky and remember that persistence and faith will always get me through it.
#6: The finest moment
It was the final of a cricket tri-series and we had just given the favourites of the tournament a good thrashing, which resulted in their eleimination. OUr school were up against the hosts, and despite this being our first final our team weren't bobbed down by the anticipated hype. Me and my opening partner put on a glorious exhibition of cut shots, drives, pull shots, leg glances, and the most intense running in between wickets, until the first wicket fell- I was run out. Looking back now pushing hard for two runs at that moment was kind of irrational, as witth any flashback one asks him/her self "what if..." and then to our dismay as the runs piled up, so did the loss wickets. We were losing our momentum and as the sun began to set our run rate required rose. We needed 31 runs in the last two overs of the match. As i watched despairingly as my lower order batsmen could only muster 4 runs in the second last over the end result seemed inevitable.
The last 6 balls of the match were about to be bowled of the tournament. Six and another six! my slogger batsmen had just beautifully struck two amazing shots and our spirits were lifted high. There was still hope of victory, it was within our grasp, and yet 11 runs in two balls was just too daunting. We lost, they won end of story. Whilst they may have won the battle, we won the war, I look back on my team that was, the beauty was that the team didn't compromise of players from one nationality, but of many. Indians, Sri Lankans, Pakistanis, British, and South Africans, we all were unified for the love of one sport. That boundary of racial divisions didn't exist, but as I look back, how we reached the final and came to a nail- biting finish where we lost by a mere 6 runs was hard to stomach, but even though they were the winners, we had the moral victory. It was the finest moment, it was our finest moment.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
#6, Light At The End
As I continued to watch the show after I got off stage I was drawn to my other close friend, Caitlin, whom is the reason why I came to TCU. She went to my highschool and graduated a year before I did and she was the one who tole me about TCU. Anyways, at the performance she performed a contemporary solo which was so beautiful. She too inspired me as I watched her evey move. She captures the audience in a way that is so difficult to even begin to try and explain. She moved with so much fluidity and filled the space with her presence. The emotions on her face alone were entertaining enough for me, let alone her gorgeous dancing. To be able to draw in an audience to me is what makes a dancer. Technique alone could never suffice as the definition of a good dancer.
#6 Hectic Weekend
Starting on Friday, I have to make the hour long trip back to TCU from my hometown in order to make a dance performance that will count as extra credit for my dance class. The best part of this is that I was just informed about this event an hour ago. Hopefully, the ballet will not last too long since I have to dressed and on a bus to attend an off campus event at 9:30.
Saturday will start early in the morning, when I must drive back to my hometown from campus to meet my uncle who is flying in from Los Angeles. Between my "family time" I must read three chapters in History, work on my English essay, apply for summer school, and complete six hours of defensive driving online. Somehow I don't think all of this will get done.
I will drive back to campus before 2pm on Sunday for a sorority event, which will be followed by a chapter meeting that evening. I'm sure much studying will follow the meeting. Yay.
I have learned very quickly that college life is not always what it is cracked up to be. It takes much studying and organization to be able to reach the fun parts of college.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
# 6: A Memorable Performance
Daetwyler’s solo was fluid in movement, and her presence filled the space. Immediately when she began dancing my eye was drawn to her and what she had to say. The choreography flowed nicely, each movement gave impotence to the other, and it was very pleasant to watch. In addition, her expressions and emotions were real and sincere; she invited the audience to take part in her expression. What I like about her style is that it is raw and almost understated, which could be reflected in her simple costume.
From Caitlin, I learned that it is very important to be real and honest in your dancing. Tricks can be entertaining, but what is more entertaining is when someone evokes an emotion inside of you, and that is exactly what Caitlin did.
Monday, February 11, 2008
#6: Open Blog

You might write about
- an on-campus event
- an extra-curricular activity
- a good book you've read (recommend one to the class!)
- an embarrasing or funny situation
- a current class you love or dislike (Please change names to protect the innocent...)
- a movie or TV show you recently watched
- your weekend plans
- your favorite sports team
- or anything else that interests you at the moment.
In any event, just be sure to include the number six (#6) before your attention-grabbing title.