For this week's blog (Mar. 31-Apr. 6), please cite only episodes that we have screened IN the classroom. Thanks!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
#11: Politics As Usual?
For this week's blog (Mar. 31-Apr. 6), please cite only episodes that we have screened IN the classroom. Thanks!
#11 Maybe There is Something Wrong with It
In the episode “The Outing,” SEINFELD dives into the issue of homosexuality and its parameters. Despite the fact that SEINFELD uses techniques such as having Jerry and other characters repeat the line “not that there is anything wrong with that,” they make it perfectly clear that indeed many people do think there is something wrong with being a homosexual. If you simply look at the way the reporter who Jerry is originally supposed to interview with and later sees romantically jumps on the story of him being gay. If being gay was ordinary then she would not have been so incredibly fascinated with him being a homosexual and been dying to write the story. That may sound a little weak as far as evidence goes so try looking at the reactions of both the reporter and Kramer (Michael Richards) when they discovered he was ‘gay’. If it was no big deal there would be no reason for Kramer to jump back and have such a disgusted look on his face. It is the simple things like that make SEINFELD special when dealing with certain issues such as this.
# 11 racial references
#11: Staying on the Fence
For example, at the end of the episode, George arrives at Jerry’s apartment to find Jerry and the NYU student together on the couch. In order for George to convince his girlfriend that he is gay he begins to come onto Jerry by touching him excessively. As a result, the NYU student walks out saying that it was too weird. Jerry takes offense to that and repeatedly yells down to the hall that “it’s not true!” After a moment’s pause, Jerry then blurts “not that there’s anything wrong with that.” Seinfeld took an ambiguous stand on the issue because it didn’t want to offend any of its viewers, but by doing so, it also used the issue as its main punch line for humor throughout the episode. Therefore, Seinfeld’s ability to not take a stand on the issue leaves the topic open for discussion to its audience and the reason “not that there’s anything wrong with that” is such a popular punch line.
Politically Incorrect
#11 The Political Side of SEINFELD
# 11 Issue for race
I think that “The Wizard” (2/26/98) was a great example of SEINFELD’S creativity and wit when dealing with America’s struggle with race relations. This episode showed how me awkward white people could feel when conversations and situations dealing with race arise. I got the feeling that a lot of white people are extremely cautious when it comes to race. For example when George (Jason Alexander), Elaine (Julia-Louis Dreyfus), and Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) were sitting in the restaurant, they were talking about Darrell, Elaine’s apparent black boyfriend. While Elaine and Jerry were loudly questioning Darrell’s race, George interjects with, “Should we be talking about this?” George, being the humble and courteous man that he is (complete sarcasm), was simply not trying to offend anyone.
This is a small but great example of my point. I get the feeling that a lot of Caucasians feel bad about race relations in early American history. They don’t want to offend minorities and are slightly cautious with what they say and do around them. Being a minority myself, I think it’s slightly humorous.
Another example of this was when we were in class and Dr. Marshall showed us the Chris Rock skit. He was poking fun at black people by crudely explaining the difference between black people and “niggas.” I had heard the skit before so I only laughed a little at the beginning. At this time the entire class was laughing as well. As soon as I stopped, all other laughter just ceased to exist. Strange. I could feel the eyes burning into the back of my head. A cloud of awkwardness seemed to hover over the entire classroom. It was a little weird at first but then I realized that the rest of the class didn’t want to offend me by laughing to hard. Being one of two black people in the entire class, you would think that I felt uncomfortable. It’s ironic because I actually think that they felt more awkward then I did. Funny.
#11 Stereotyping SEINFELD
SEINFELD is doing two things with race and humor: first, it does not state or imply that the show dislikes orientals, specifically the Chinese in his episode. The stereotypes are simply mentioned as a mistake that is common among individuals; SEINFELD is actually making more fun at people who assume someone's race, rather than poking fun at a specific race. Second, SEINFELD does not single out a race. Even though this episode is about the Chinese, the overall theme of the episode could be applied to any race. It is very possible that SEINFELD could've used an Arabic, Irish, French, even Jewish last name for the episode and the main thought and joke would still be the same. By doing this, SEINFELD avoids being subject to people exclaiming the shows dislike towards a particular race.
Should We Look to the Cookie?

#11: A Contest Where Nobody Wins
Sexuality is a taboo subject often linked to the “adult” industry. It is this stigma that causes relevant and sometimes embarrassing issues that do concern a vast number of people to be overlooked, but not by SEINFELD. In “The Contest”, SEINFELD addresses the issue of abstinence from masturbation. While not viewed by many as a mainstream political issue, its impact on the populace is apparent in confidential forums like People clearly feel guilty about their sexual wants, but SEINFELD put it out there. The bet between the fearsome foursome in this episode was a pact to see who could keep from masturbating the longest. Kramer is the first one out, followed by Elaine, but it is unclear if George and Jerry tied or if one might have held out longer. The audience is left with that question in their minds which opens up discussion of the issue among viewers. Perhaps that was the true intention of the writers, to start conversation about masturbation and subsequently, sexuality.
SEINFELD doesn’t take much of a stance on these issues in this episode. At first, it seems that the writers wanted to discourage masturbation by making the bet a pact between friends to kick a habit that George was caught doing by his mother. We later see, as the title suggests, it was nothing more than a contest between middle-aged children which completely undermines the seriousness of the issue that they brought to a prime time television audience.
11: Do You Have Your Green Card?
Americans perceive race very differently than Argentines do. In Argentina, it does not matter what your background is. Here, even on our very own campus, do we find huge divisions among race. The "white" kids sit in one side of the Main, the "black" kids in another, and furthermore, the "Africans," who rarely mix with the "black" kids, in another section. Why does this happen? Particularly, in the country that was founded for freedom? Is America truly the melting pot it advertises to be?
#11 There's Actually Nothing Wrong With Them..
#11 Are you in or out?
#11: Is Seinfeld Racist?
As they are discussing the matter, George asks, "Should we even be talking about this?" and Elaine replies that she doesn't need to know his ethnicity, although it is clear that she does care. Another example of the way Seinfeld deals with racism on the show is demonstrated in the same episode when Elaine goes over to her new boyfriend's apartment and hears loud blaring rap music. After hearing the music, she assumes that he is African American. I think that the reference of rap music was not biased because once Elaine arrives to his door, she is proved wrong when he apologizes for the loud music being played by his roomate. I admit that Seinfeld is clearly bringing racism up as an element in the show, but because of the way the characters handle each situation, (once proven wrong) they realize that they were wrong for making such strong assumptions. I wouldn't consider Seinfeld as racist in any way. I think that if racism was meant to be portrayed, they would have found a different way to make this apparent in the show. Overall, I think that Seinfeld is ambiguous in its stance concerning racism among other politically-charged topics because of the dialogue and the actions of each of the characters.
Friday, April 4, 2008
#11 Race Matters
Thursday, April 3, 2008
#11 The Homophobic Homosexuals
I think that this episode is biased in not favoring homosexuals. Both Jerry and George try to tell everyone they aren’t gay, but they always say “not that there is anything wrong with that.” This phrase is constantly repeated throughout the episode and I think that it actually makes it seem like there is something wrong with it. Also, Jerry constantly freaks out when anyone thinks he is gay because he doesn’t want anyone to think that. This episode is humorous, but it might not be funny to gays because they might believe that Seinfeld is implying that being gay is a bad thing. Nevertheless, Seinfeld takes this controversial topic and puts it into a humorous light.
#11 Homosexual Happenings
In “The Outing” (February 11, 1993) Seinfeld dealt with the somewhat political topic of homosexuality. Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) and George Costanza (Jason Alexander) are accused of being gay because of a newspaper article that a NYU graduate student published. Seinfeld handles homosexuality with caution but is submissively sly about it, especially with the comments that the characters make. There are several negative undertones about homosexuals such as the classic one-liner “not that there is anything wrong with that (homosexuality or homosexuals).” Jerry and George continue to repeat this line suggesting that there is, indeed, something deathly wrong with homosexuality. I believe that Seinfeld is negatively biased about the topic of homosexuality. The characters also seem to be rather homophobic which I believe reinforces that fact that Seinfeld has a negative opinion about homosexuals in general. Jerry accuses Kramer of fitting the “stereotype” of homosexuals and in turn Kramer freaks out. Altogether, I believe that Seinfeld skillfully found the fine line between offensive content and a harmless television show.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
#11: Ignorance is NOT bliss!
For example in "The Wizard" as Jerry and George and Elaine discuss whether Elaine's new date is black or white George nervously inquires, "should we be talking about this" and even though Elaine insists she doesn't "need" to know his ethnicity she, like George and Jerry out of guilt over-tip the waitress at the cafe, who is ironically black. Music is another tool that Seinfeld uses to mimick race, as Elaine visits her boyfriends apartment, she overhears loud hip/hop, and asuming she's finally figured out his race nods her head in approval. Without the show establishing it's own views, Elaine's gesture symbolises our perception as the viewer will assume along with Elaine that where there's hip/hop there's an African American. Ironically this isn't the case as Elaine's boyfriend apologises for his roommates loud music.
Im sure you will agree that current political affairs stem from a deep root of hatred and racism, and whilst Seinfeld depicts it's own comical spin on the issue, in reality it is very serious!