To wake myself up, I like to use the alarm on my phone. This way I do not have to get out of bed to turn off a conventional clock radio. If I have a class at 10:00 AM, I need to be on the bus from Worth Hills at 9:50. To do this I must wake up by 9:10 to shower and look pretty. This may seem like a simple task to fulfill, but I like to spice things up a bit. Sometimes, I will set my alarm for 7:45 just so that I can have the satisfaction of being able to go back to sleep. Sometimes, I will set my alarm at 7:15 so I can cook breakfast and then get some more sleep. I think I do this to emulate my grandfather. Every day, he wakes up to eat a grapefruit and then goes back to sleep before work. After showering, I like to sit in my towel and watch television for a little while. I believe that bathing is an important part of any day and should be followed by a time of rest. Once I look pretty enough to present myself to the campus, it's off to the bus to start the rest of my day.
Morning routines are obviously very important to me, and I hope that those who read this don't feel like I completely wasted their time.
#7: My Morning Ritual
Yes I agree; “the start of each day is the most influential factor in how your day will go.” I too have a morning schedule that must go according to plan or else I feel “off” throughout the whole day. Here it is:
When I wake up in the morning for class, I wake up to an annoying 80’s radio station. My bed is lofted and my alarm clock is beneath me, so this forces me to get out of bed and turn off the annoying music. Once I manage to do this, I go to the bathroom. Now on cold days this can be especially unpleasant because the bathroom is the only place without heater, and since it is surrounded by tile it is freezing in temperature. So I usually jump out of the bathroom as fast as I can, with chattering teeth that is, and find refuge on the warm rug of my dorm room. I stand around a bit, and I then proceed to brush my teeth, put on my contacts, get dressed, fix my hair, apply a bit of eye liner and bronzer, and then out the door I go.
Now on days when my schedule gets interrupted, things always manage to go wrong throughout the day; so it is important that my morning ritual is always followed through.
Thanks, Liz, for the additional posting here! I've added 5 bonus points to your participation grades.
I definitely agree with you about having routines. I think its something everyone should have if they want their life to be a bit smoother. I even have a routine myself as to what I do each day—depending on what day it is. On Monday and Wednesday night I take my shower because I know I have a 9:30 class and there is a great possibility that I’m not going to want to get up at 7 or so. The other days of the week I don’t have a class until 1 so I just get up that morning and shower. Not only do I have a routine for how I wake up on certain days and shower—I also have a routine for my certain homework assignments depending on the class. For instance, all of my biology homework I love to complete at night—which might seem weird. I don’t understand why there is something in me that loves to stay up until one in the morning to complete the work. However, for the rest of my classes I am pretty good about taking time out during the day to complete the assignments. With that being said I know exactly what you mean about having a morning routine. Not only do I have one for the morrning, but for everything I do. So I don’t feel like I’ve wasted my time reading your blog, because I know exactly where you’re coming from.
#7:- Morning routines, what rubbish!
As i read through the blog, I must admitt aslight envy grew within me, if only i was able to manage a monrning schedule like that, how the rest of the day would be so much more pleasant. Truth is i'm an insomniac, so time has no relevance to me, i stay up in the wee hours of the morning either reading, or studying, as i spend most of my time in the studio. Whether i'm painting or sculpting my focus is solely aimed at my art. Everything else is secondary, including health. Though i'm not proud of it, i try to maintain a "consistent" morning pattern.
Some days i'll wake up, gearing up for the day running on 3-4 hours of sleep, and head straight to my classes, some days i'll just stay up when there's no point in sleeping and head over to the gym for a refreshing workout, which keeps me going for the entire day. Rarely do i eat breakfast in the monrings, however TCU's breakfast meals is what you can term "food" in comparison to the other crap that is served. Nevertheless it's not easy, i sometimes switch on my mobile phones alarm as well as my alarm clock in order to get up. If there's time to shower then i shower, if not then so be it, but no matter what i always have two showers a day.
fortunately my unhealthy habit hasn't affected me, academically and physcially i'm doing well, perfectly well but reminiscing back to when i was a child, it would be good every now and then to have a bowl of choco puffs and a glass of milk in the morning!
I also agree that having a ritual is extremely important in affecting how the rest of my day will go. My schedule differs on MWF and T/TH, nevertheless, I still have a routine.
MWF I do not have class until 11, which is amazing might I add, so I set my phone alarm for 9:50 that plays "Histrionics" by The Higher. Then I shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, put on a little makeup and then head to the Main for a quick bite to eat. I agree with DJ that their breakfast is the only food that seems edible enough to eat. Tuesdays and Thursdays are much different... The soccer team has morning lifting at 6:30 a.m. on these days so my alarm goes off at 6:00. I throw some sweats on and run off to the Rec Center and join my teammates. After lifting my roommate and I head to the Main and eat some grub and then I head to 8:00 class after that.
I think that most people have some sort of routine they go through in the mornings. But obviously there are exceptions. My days don't always go as planned and when they don't I'm not devestated and unable to function. I guess I just like to have a little structure in my crazy life.
As a male, I do understand the importance of your daily routine, but I don't think that it's AS important as people make it seem. I dress up on occasion but really don't see the point in doing it every single day.
Being American females, especially at TCU, you are constantly being judged by men, women, and (surprisingly) your teachers as well. With today's media and entertainment constantly stressing the importance of "beauty," women today are pressured to look, act, and even live a certain way. Image is not everything.
Ladies, it's not your fault though. On the one hand, Girls are mean, judgmental, and exclusive. The greek system must be interesting. On the other hand, the way guys gawk at and obsess over "hot chicks" can't be easy on you either. But if you want to know the truth, I'll let you in on a little secret.
Guys are idiots!
If you want to attract decent men, try being yourself. I don't see the point in dressing up for guys who just want to get in your pants. Trust me, there are much better fellas out there. To a lot of guys the "hot chicks" look a lot different from what you may think. It's funny because the guys that are worth dressing up for would rather you wear shorts and a t-shirt. Ironic, huh?
But, in all honesty, there is so much more to life than other people's opinions of you. People (not just women) today live for the entirely wrong things. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with looking nice, just don't let it consume you. I really don't mean to offend anyone. I just don't see the point in pleasing other people. Seeing as we do attend Texas CHRISTIAN University, I think that if we spent more time reading the bible than looking in the mirror, this world would be a much nicer place to live in.
#7: Bonus
In my opinion, along with Barrett, morning routines can either make or break our day. For me personally, if I don’t stick to my usual routine, then I usually feel like there is added stress because I have no control over my day. Shortly after the spring semester started, I have been able to develop a new routine that works the best for me.
During the week, my first class is usually at either 9:30 or 10 in the morning. I wake up 30 minutes before my class starts to allow enough time for me to get up, take a shower, get dressed, grab a Gatorade, and arrive to class on time. All of my classes are done by 12:50, which permits me the time to get back to my dorm room to make a sandwich and relax before I have to go work-out for the football team at 2:10. Work out usually lasts around 2 hours and finally my day of scrambling around campus is over. The rest of my day is used for relaxing and working on homework before I have to wake up and do it all over again.
In conclusion, morning routines give us the ability to be more organized and eliminate the hectic events that can occur after we roll out of bed. We don’t have to worry about being somewhere on time because the routine does if for you, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I have to say I vehemently disagree with what you're saying about having a morning routine. Growing up, my Dad always had a morning routine, and so does my roommate now and while most days it arguably seems to get them "off to the right start", one thing is for sure: when they screw up their morning routine, it messes with their entire day - it's almost like all of the sudden they believe in bad luck and a black cat just crossed their path.
While I don't have anything against having a list of things to do between the time you wake up and the time you leave your room, using such list as a measure of how your day will go is only setting yourself up for failure.
Taylor--sorry, but this one is considered late, okay.
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