Bad things always happen to George. In "The Pitch" Kramer throws up on his girlfriend. In "Bubble Boy" he fights with the disabled 'child' and ends up deflating his bubble, causing fright and chaos in the whole town. It seems bad things always happen to George, no matter what he does to avoid them.
George's unfortunes remind me of another character of the popular sitcom EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND. Ray Barone's older brother, Robert, is always suffering from mishaps and problems brought on by his parents and younger brother's family. Throughout the 9 season run of EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND, most jokes poked at his lack of finding success, his rather enormous stature (a whopping 6' 8 1/2"), and his lack of a lovelife. He also has several random quirks, as he always touches his chin with food before he eats it.
Although Robert is the most despaired character on the show, he is also the moral consience of all the Barones. He is the voice of reason when his family members are doing questionable things, but of course, is never taken seriously.
Robert Barone is a source of entertainment, just like George Costanza. Although both of these men suffer, it always is midly comforting to know that the situations don't occur in our lives.
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