Saturday, April 5, 2008

# 11 racial references

Seinfeld talks about race in a way that is very comical. I do not believe the show is biased against any one race. In the episode “The Wizard” there is many references to all kinds of races such as black, white, Asian, and even South American. The whole episode Elaine is trying to figure out what race her boyfriend is. Starting at the beginning she thinks he might be black, and then finds clues to believe he is African because of the music. When she walks into the apartment he tells her there are South African tribal masks. So Elaine then tries to be clever and ask him what race he is and he responds Asian…just for a joke. Later on at the restaurant, Elaine makes a comment to the waitress saying, “Sister….It’s ok I’m with him.” He then catches on that she thinks he is black and then tells her he thinks she is Hispanic. The whole time they go through several different races and don’t have a problem with it; it’s only until they both realize they are just a boring white couple that it is not fun anymore. Since they are both white I don’t think they are singling any one race out.

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