Saturday, April 5, 2008

#11 Are you in or out?

Next to abortion, the topic of gay rights is next in line when it comes to politically charged topics. The subject of homosexuality is seen on "The Outing (02/11/93),"which Seinfeld deals with in a humorous manner. As with "The Couch (10/27/94)," Seinfeld seems to be ambiguous when it comes to homosexuality for the constant phrase of "not that there is anything wrong with that." Yes, Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld) and George (Jason Alexander) freak out when accused of being gay, but with the that constant phrase "not that there is anything wrong with that," I believe it is Jerry’s and George’s way of saying that it is their (homosexuals) business what they do in their lives. Seinfeld does a good job in portraying both sides of the positive and negative undertones when it comes to abortion and homosexuality. Seinfeld is neither in or out when siding with both topics.