Saturday, January 26, 2008

#3: Outright Meany

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

#3: Yep, You're Quite a Character

One of the personality traits that George has is that he is outright mean. With all of his personality traits that I could think of, this seemed to sum all of them up very simply. He is solely consumed with himself. He doesn't seem to care about anyone else as long as he is content. He lies, cheats and whines constantly. This is definitely something that I have realized as we've been watching the shows in class. I honestly never noticed that he was such a mean character before. I never watched the show religiously or anything, but I have seen it a few times.

This characteristic is played out in "The Bubble Boy" especially as he is focused on making good time to the cabin when he knew that Kramer was following him. He could care less about his friends he only wanted to get there fast. He also doesn't give much attention to Susan and treats her with little respect and disregards her affection. He is also very rude and disrespectful to the "Bubble Boy." As they play trivial pursuit together, George gets angry because he isn't winning and they argue about whether or not there is a typo on the game card and he ends up fighting with the "Bubble Boy" even though he is disabled. After they begin to fight, the "Bubble Boy" deflates and George just waves, showing his greediness and bad temper.

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