Saturday, January 26, 2008

#3: It's All About George

A true narcissist doesn’t simply seek their own gratification but they want desperately to control the way that others look at them. Like George they have a very noticeable need to feel superior to their peers in life’s small details (the basis of the show). This uncontrollable self centeredness in the end renders him and others like him incapable of having any kind of emotional connection (no hugging, no learning) making it that much easier to be deviant and manipulative. After watching only a few episodes in class recognizing George Costanza as a narcissist does not take any stretch of the imagination. Take for example how far he went in the partial episode of THE ENGAGMENT simply to rebuttal a comment made to him about eating large amounts of shrimp. Even subtle things like how he disregards the fact that Jerry is trying to follow him in BUBBLE BOY simply to make ‘good time’ or as he stands next to his fiancĂ© watching her grandfathers cabin burn to the ground but the only thing he can think of is that he had not gotten his change back from the toll booth.
Though he may be the godfather of the narcissistic character he is certainly not the only one. Characters like him can be found in most shows but the two that come to my mind are Michael Scott in THE OFFICE an George Michael sr. in ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. For Mr. Scott his world consists of being the center of attention and George placing his business above his very screwed up family.

1 comment:

Kelli Marshall said...

Yes, yes, both George Sr. and Michael Scott are perfect examples. Thanks!