Saturday, January 26, 2008

#3: Mr. Insensitive

George Costanza exhibits a number of negative character traits- neurotic, self-loathing, dishonest. He is incredibly insensitive and stingy to boot. In the episode ‘Bubble Boy’ while Jerry, Elaine and Susan, George’s fiancée, are shocked and upset when Susan’s father’s cabin burns down, insensitive George demands Susan return the change from the toll gate charges. He shows no compassion for bubble boy and gets into a fight over a game of trivia. In “The engagement”, his choice of the cheapest envelops for his wedding invitations- ultimately leads to the death his fiancée from the toxic glue on the envelops. His insensitivity prevails once again, when instead of remorse for his dead wife to be, he is relieved for the chance to get out of the commitment.

Karen Walker, the alcoholic wife of the wealthy (but never seen) Stan Walker "works" as Grace's assistant in the sitcom WILL & GRACE. She does more harm than good and takes great pleasure in pointing out how awful Grace looks. Karen is insensitive to other peoples problems and is selfish and greedy.
She comments on others with complete lack of emotion or regard for their feelings. A recurring victim for her cruelty and inconsiderateness is a bartender named Smitty, who tells her tragic events in his life, only to have her laugh and thank him for cheering her up!

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