Saturday, April 12, 2008

# 12 Living with only FRIENDS

Many recent sitcoms are many different from the traditional structure sitcoms. Traditional sitcoms are about the families and their happening in the workplace. For example, in I LOVE LUCY, the storyline was one couple in the house and Ricky Ricardo’s workplace. And these days, many sitcoms are “revamped” like SEINFELD. The other sitcom has attempted to “revamp” characters and setting is FRIENDS. This storyline is about the six main young characters’ happening around them. The structure of FRIENDS has many similar things with SEINFELD. In the FRIENDS, six characters are single and they didn’t marry except Monica and Chandler even though they have an affair each other sometimes. Also Ross and Rachel have one son but they broke up. They are childish and they don’t have any relationship with their parents. But the difference with SEINFELD is that they want to marry however they don’t want to have serious relationship. Also they have setting not in the workplace but in the coffee shop and Monica’s house. They usually meet in the Monica’s house and one of coffee shop in always same sofa. One of the episodes I watched showed that when other person sat in sofa that they usually sit, they claimed to the person to move to the other sofa just like children. I think FRIENDS and SEINFELD are popular because they dealt with the subjects which didn’t show in the traditional sitcoms.

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